Sclerotherapy Costs
How much does it cost?
Initial Appointment
You will need to have an appointment to discuss and evaluate your treatment.
This has an initial consultation fee of $170.00, ($73.85 is claimable from Medicare).
Please note that Medicare will only pay a benefit if you supply a referral from your GP.
Once a treatment plan has been discussed your appointment will be booked to have the injections.
Please Note: A non-refundable cancellation fee of $50 will be charged if you cancel your treatment within 48 hours of your appointment.
Treatment/Injections (For each visit)
$380.00 (Medicare rebate of $93.35) $256.65 GAP
Ultrasound Guided Injections
$550.00 (Medicare rebate of $93.35) $456.65 GAP
Sonographer/Lake Imaging
(Only applies for Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy and is payable to Lake Imaging on presentation for appointment).
$377.75 (Medicare Rebate of $92.75) $285.00 GAP.
All fees are payable on the day. Fees are subject to Medicare increases and change on 1st June each year.